A fellow freak
Un amigo me pasó el link a uno de estos vídeos de la RSA. Este era sobre la caridad como trampa máxima del discurso capitalista, lo que siempre digo de "Un techo para mi país" y su ejército de niños bien con goma moral. Así, me dieron ganas de leer más sobre ese señor Slavoj Zizek (el disertador del video) y encontré que es un esloveno marxista cuyo trabajo se ha centrado en el capitalismo cultural del posmodernismo. Ahí en YouTube tiene una postura muy sui generis contra el vegetarianismo.
Dice el mae:
(y sigue)
And of course there is pleasure in self or mutual masturbation. And, also, of course you might eventually fall in love with a partner you have previously masturbated with or inside. It is a very profitable scenario for capitalism. But that "love as a sex subproduct" concept is what makes it so vulnerable to disappearing and then splitting altogether, which is even more profitable for the market, as the cycle goes on and on.
So, it is only in the presence of extreme sense and outrageous sensibility where you can actually dare to question that sexual anarchy as a market imposition. But, as we all know, creatures of extreme sense and outrageous sensibility are either called angels and given wings by religious people or called rarities and feared by the rest of us.
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